This is a devotion I had this week from Lead Like Jesus. I’ve been
complaining about our house not selling, then I read this devotion and was
reminded about how I really needed to stop complaining and trust God better so
I did on Tuesday. From then to today we have an offer and have sold our
house. Griping to God never really works, but you know human nature is not
God nature. God nature always works.

What would it look like to live today without any complaining or arguing?
How would it affect your peace of mind and the quality of your relationships?
What difference would it make in your workplace and home? God calls us to
trust Him with the ups and downs of life, and to honor those who are in authority
over us. He calls us to reflect Him in all aspects of our lives, in every sphere of
leadership entrusted to us. May others see the Father through you today and
give glory to Him.

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize
you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a
world full of crooked and perverse people

.—Philippians 2:14-15 NLT

Prayer: God, shine through us into the lives of others, we pray in the name of
Jesus, the light of the world, amen.

Trust God Better