This will be my last Newsletter article and I am pleased to write to you about the incredible amount of mission work our Church community does both directly and indirectly.
Our church directly supports The Shelter with a monthly grant, we support the Sunday night meals program with our building and people resources, we provide meals for people on Thanksgiving and Christmas, provide Christmas gifts from the giving tree, we do The Christmas Angel program, we have a special relationship with Hickory Creek Nursing facility, we support Camp Pyoca, The Nicaraguan Vacation Bible School program, and four Denominational offerings, (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, World Communion and Christmas Joy).
Indirectly, through the work of the First Presbyterian’s community, we support the Food Council and their work to eradicate food insecurity, The Community Sharing Food Bank, Imagine Performing Arts, The School board, Rushville Historical Society, The Salvation Army, School Athletics, SAWS (ramps for the disabled). (I apologize if I missed something).
The latest is a book Maggie Ross is publishing about Connersville which contain her paintings. One of our members is editing it for her. If you wish to support her work contact Doug Ross.
We have begun a journey of supporting our Afghan allies who have left Afghanistan. They were in danger after having supported our military in Afghanistan. There are 7000 people being housed at Camp Atterbury practically in our back yard. We have donated $1000.00 to the Presbytery. They are setting up a grant process in order to financially assist churches which want to offer support to these Afghan families in a more direct way by sponsorship, helping to find housing, and building relationships in other ways. Of the 7000 approximately 600 people have nowhere to go. It is our desire to partner with another church to sponsor a family.
I am very proud of First Presbyterian in Connersville and grateful for the privilege of serving as your Pastor.
Pastor Karel