At the joint Deacons and Session meeting October 20, Elder Mary Swope shared a devotion about the season of autumn being about change. “For every ending there’s a new beginning,” she read. “Jesus makes all things new.”
We have seen that in the life of the church this month. Pastor Karel ended his ministry with us and began something new: retirement. We celebrated in the Fellowship Hall after worship Oct. 3.
We wish him and Linda all the best in this season of change.
As a congregation, we have ended a time of having a regular pastor and returned to something not entirely new: a pulpit supply pastor for Sundays. Rev. Beau Brown has filled the pulpit frequently this year, and we’re grateful that he is willing to continue as pulpit supply for now.
Please reach out to your deacons and elders as prayer needs and other needs come up. We are a community, our strength comes from the way we care about each other. Our strength comes from God, who brings new life in this season of change.